Non-Deterministic and Polynomial Time Problem Simulator


  • Himanshu Mishra Amity School of Engineering and Technology Lucknow, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Dr. Pawan Singh Amity School of Engineering and Technology Lucknow, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, India



Heuristics, Algorithms


The Non-Deterministic and Polynomial Time Problem is a problem in combinatorial op-timization. Finding the quickest route for an object to travel through a list of cities and return to the starting city is the goal of this problem. Cities are listed, along with the dis-tance between each pair. It belongs to the category of computer problems known as NP-complete problems, for which no effective algorithmic solution has yet been discov-ered; at this time, there is no polynomial solution. In order to discover a near-optimal solution as quickly as possible, we attempted to tackle this extremely challenging prob-lem in this study utilizing a variety of heuristics, including Simulated Annealing and Ge-netic Algorithm. Using these sophisticated heuristic techniques, we at-tempt to depart from the local optimum.


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JIEEE V04 Iss001 SN005




How to Cite

H. Mishra and P. Singh, “Non-Deterministic and Polynomial Time Problem Simulator”, J. Infor. Electr. Electron. Eng., vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1–12, Apr. 2023.




Research Article


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