Issues and Challenges of Internet of Things: A Survey

Internet of Things, Challenges in IoT, Security issues, Security attacks, Privacy IssuesAbstract
The Internet of things (IoT) paradigm has impacted the current high-tech lifestyle greatly. To name a few: smart cities, smart transportation, smart industries, pollution and energy control all owe their existence to IoT. Expansive research and investigations have been conducted for the implementation of IoT and this implementation without a doubt comes along with a lot of challenges. Such challenges and issues must be overcome in order to attain the full potential of IoT. This research paper aims to discuss the various issues and challenges faced in the field of IoT especially the ones pertaining to security and privacy. Aside from the challenges, the paper dives into the probable solutions for dealing with all the key issues of IoT along with the architecture and important applica-tion domains of IoT.
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