Decentralized Crowdfunding Platform Using Blockchain

Ethereum, Decentralized, Crowd-funding, BlockchainAbstract
Few years back, blockchain was particularly used to support cryptocurrencies, but after some decades, more and more sectors are adopting this brand-new technology. Blockchain will used by the majority of technologies in the future as an effective means of conducting online transactions. Crowdfunding platforms are one of the industries to which blockchain technology may be applied. Although crowdfunding is quite common online, there are still some problems with it. Projects that don't finish on schedule, don't finish at all, or don't provide what they promised cause trust concerns. Additionally, crowdfunding sites serve as intermediaries, so you must put your faith in them to transmit your cash properly. This project solves these problems by integrating Ethereum smart contracts with the crowdfunding platform, scams may be avoided, and it is ensured that projects can be fulfilled within the specified time frame. With the use of blockchain technology, decentralised crowdfunding offers more accessibility, transparency, and reduced fees. The ability to immediately create, watch, and donate to crowdfunding campaigns via the blockchain is the most crucial feature. The decentralised crowdfunding platform is linked to the blockchain and fea-tures authoring solidity code, pairing metamasks, interacting with smart contracts, and sending Ethereum across the network.
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