SOC Estimation for Electrical Vehicle lithium Batteries base on Simplified-spherical Un-scented Kalman Filtering

Electrical Vehicle, State of Charge estimation, Extended Kalman Filter, Unscented Kalman Filter, Urban Driving CycleAbstract
In order to develop electric vehicles, it is vital to be able to accurately estimate the state charge (SOC) of a lithium battery. To address the problem that the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) algorithm leads to the Taylor expansion truncation of the higher-order sys-tem. In this paper, a system of state-space equations is established based on the sec-ond-order equivalent circuit model, and a simplified-sphere sample approach is used to improve the Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) algorithm. The SOC estimation performance of the three algorithms is tested under constant current discharge, pulse dis-charge con-ditions, and UDC conditions, respectively. The simulation results show that Simpli-fied-spherical Unscented Kalman Filtering (SUKF) has smaller errors between SOC esti-mation and theoretical reference values than EKF and UKF. The SUKF is less computa-tionally intensive than UKF and has better timeliness in the onboard battery manage-ment system.
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