Short Term Load Forecasting of Distribution Feeder Using Artificial Neural Network Technique

Load forecasting, artificial neural network, MAPE, back propagation, MATLABAbstract
This paper explains the load forecasting technique for prediction of electrical load at Hawassa city. In a deregulated market it is much need for a generating company to know about the market load demand for generating near to accurate power. If the gen-eration is not sufficient to fulfill the demand, there would be problem of irregular supply and in case of excess generation the generating company will have to bear the loss. Neural network techniques have been recently suggested for short-term load forecasting by a large number of researchers. Several models were developed and tested on the real load data of a Finnish electric utility at Hawassa city. The authors carried out short-term load forecasting for Hawassa city using ANN (Artificial Neural Network) technique ANN was implemented on MATLAB and ETAP. Hourly load means the hourly power con-sumption in Hawassa city. Error was calculated as MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error) and with error of about 1.5296 % this paper was successfully carried out. This pa-per can be implemented by any intensive power consuming town for predicting the fu-ture load and would prove to be very useful tool while sanctioning the load.
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